Science for beauty

sustainability, quality & efficacy

naturally beautiful

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TUPI Beleza is a natural cosmetic development lab expert in tropical ingredients. We research the behavior of natural raw materials, and we design natural cosmetic formulas. Our goal is to help brands understand and develop their uniqueness by translating their mission in added-value chemical ingredient expertise or in final products that are meaningful and stand up for sustainability, quality and efficacy.


supplying services

eco-friendly Formulation

TUPI Beleza believes in your idea and endorses your brand with high quality eco-friendly and sustainable formulas. We provide guidance from the ideation to the final product. Our pillars are sustainability, quality and efficacy.


Ingredients behaviour research

We research the application of natural ingredients in order to find a commercial added value and the best way to position and communicate a differential point on choosing this raw material. We work around a concept chosen by the client or guided by Marina’s expertise.


work with us

Join the team

TUPI Beleza is growing and we’re looking for new team members that support our mission to develop eco-friendly, natural, non toxic cosmetics.


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Follow us

TUPI Beleza regularly organises workshops at Mediamatic in Amsterdam and participates in many fairs/conference around the world. See the calendar below for our latest activity.

What the artist imitates is nature’s energy, its generative and creative universal process
— Gustavo Penna